Our Teaching


Wembley Road Preschool is to provide high quality early childhood education to children in a warm, happy, stimulating environment where children can grow and learn. We feel that the environment should empower every child to be a capable and resourceful learner.

Our centre offers a safe, home like environment that supports the individual needs of families based on open communication. The children’s physical, social, emotional and intellectual development is fostered through a challenging, stimulating, anti bias program with a focus on learning through play and exploration that the staff develop based on the needs of each individual child.

As part of our program, staffs creates a portfolio for each child that shows their drawings, artwork, conversations and photo journaling of your entire child’s work over their time at Wembley Road Preschool. You can access this portfolio at anytime. These portfolios are a major part of our program process as we plan activities and lessons from your children’s likes and interests. It will be something your whole family will treasure.

For those children who are approaching school age, we place a strong emphasis on programs which challenge and extend their abilities and confidence, aiding their transition to school. We work closely with the child’s parents to communicate effectively their child’s progress. We also liaise with the local primary schools closely to ensure the transition from preschool to school is as smooth as possible for the children and families.